词云图 : Outbreak status in Australia. ,Global outbreak developments. ,Australia's epidemic preparedness. ,The state of the Australian economy. ,Degree of negative impact on Australian individual,The patience of the Australian people. ,The degree of privacy involved in surveillance. ,Regulations for monitoring outbreaks. ,Changes in western culture. ,Information digitization degree. ,Changes in the concept of human rights. ,Other contries action. ,The cost of extensive surveillance. ,The political interests of politicians. ,Political change., The impact of international free trade., Risk of a new variant of COVID-19. ,Possibility of another large outbreak of COVID-19., The effectiveness of extensive monitoring. ,Duration of extensive surveillance. ,The change of Australian people's ideas. ,Transparency of data collection and use. ,The personal benefits of mass surveillance.,individual's normal life influence.,Monitoring the potential for abuse of power. ,The ability of mass surveillance to COVID-19, The effectiveness of mass surveillance. ,The ability of an individual to cancel monitoring ,Monitor the breadth of content. ,Australia's border policy.,The effectiveness of other methods.

图片尺寸 : 1280x853 像素 | 2020/04/20 19:18:36